90 dollar cookies? They better be the best cookies I've had in my life to spend that much. I'd rather spend that amount on a fine dining experience, but that's just me.
The rise in podcasts means everyone will have a microphone (for better or for worse). I wonder how this is going to impact free speech in the Western world.
White men and Candace. 😑 so…. Are there zero podcasts on the continent of Africa? I went to try and see what was top of charts for Ghana and South Africa and there isn’t an option. That’s wild.
90 dollar cookies? They better be the best cookies I've had in my life to spend that much. I'd rather spend that amount on a fine dining experience, but that's just me.
The rise in podcasts means everyone will have a microphone (for better or for worse). I wonder how this is going to impact free speech in the Western world.
Love that Gap holiday ad and all their marketing lately!
Really great lately!
All the colorful Gap sweaters are reminding me of Gigi Hadid’s guest in residence collections but at a fraction of the price
Wait very true, I had noticed that especially with their rugby polo that everyone is buying: https://www.gap.com/browse/product.do?pid=623855012&vid=3&tid=gppl000085&kwid=1&ap=7&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAlsy5BhDeARIsABRc6ZtzIEuQtShksP4zKhqeokp99sxw-3RwpGbsHN6fMoOBM5pgUJ94RPUaAldREALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
Ok that’s cuuute
White men and Candace. 😑 so…. Are there zero podcasts on the continent of Africa? I went to try and see what was top of charts for Ghana and South Africa and there isn’t an option. That’s wild.
I guess not? That is so interesting... I see lots of countries and regions but not any in the Middle East or Africa.
You may have just inspired me to stop by 5th Ave gap on my way home from work today!!!!
So hard not to go in 🫣